Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Covered in Gestures Like Tattoos

Meet Heather Abner. Or rather, meet an abandoned poem that she took in and fostered and disciplined and altered to suit her will. You can find out more about Heather and find links to more of her work on her blog.  Many thanks to Heather for being part of the Abandon A Poem/Adopt A Poem Project. Stay tuned for more contributions.  It's not too late to adopt a poem yourself.  Just email me at robmc100@yahoo.com.  If you pass out rigorous examination, you will be sent a poem.  Actually, it will appear on your doorstep in a basket, whimpering like an unhappy mouse.  Your job will be to make that rodent smile.

The Experience You Have When You Don’t Get What You Want

What do you want? she says.
What do you want?
It comes back at her.
The problem is
he never wanted anything from her:
            no word
            or kiss
            not even a gesture.

She was all gesture—
covered in them like tattoos.
As though they could say what she couldn’t--
what she wanted.

She tells you she gave up on romance
and she means it.
She bought a dog, instead.

And when you wind up getting
what you want,

the dog is what she wanted.

1 comment:

  1. I've been liking these! I have just finished working the poem you sent me into a short sound piece. I'll upload it to my bandcamp site; you can, in turn, download it from there. I'll let you know when that's done; it will likely be today (Wednesday).

