Sunday, September 25, 2011

Write a poem called "Walla Walla, Washington"

Or Climax, Michigan.  Or Burnt Ridge, Idaho.  Hooker, OK. Embarrass, MN. The fine folks at Right Hand Pointing have put out a call for poems that use city names as their titles.  This comes after their successful two-part issue made up of poems with titles that are also the names of states. I think I'll try to take this as an assignment.  Maybe using my hometown, Mt. Clemens, Michigan. See what y'all can do with this.

Here are 15 unfortunate city names, for your potential amusement.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, there's a wonderful, funny whole chapbook of these by Christopher Cessac, Eros Among the Americans, from Main Street Rag! Town names with erotic resonance.
